
increases in mental & physical empowerment & well-being, cultivated through wellness practices of one’s choosing.

Hi, I’m Meredith!

Welcome to Genuine GainZ!

I’m passionate about physical & mental wellness, but I also recognize that it can be so hard for all of us to make these practices a priority - often, we’re intimidated to start and have fears of judgment or “failing” in some way when it comes to taking care of ourselves. I want to take out the fear surrounding wellness and help you find confidence by caring for yourself in a nonjudgmental way that feels true to you.

Genuine Gainz brings together the resources that have helped me, both in the physical and mental health realms, and I hope that they can bring you the same benefits.

Experience the gainz

  • Physical Gainz

    Tap into your power with virtual fitness resources, personal training, & more designed to help you find confidence through fitness.

  • Mental Gainz

    Ease your mind & feel equipped to tackle life’s challenges through Meredith’s podcast, book, & resources from her online self-care shop.