Self Discovery Guide: Journal Prompts, Guided Questions, Worksheets to Find Yourself (PDF, Editable, Printable)
Do you want to find yourself and be yourself but are struggling to figure out HOW? Then look no further than the Self Discovery Guide - a package of five comprehensive documents designed to help ease the stress of figuring out who you really are and how to start living as that person every day. Each document builds on the last, resulting in a seamless, step-by-step process that is sure to leave you feeling more confident and prepared to take on the world as yourself!
DOCUMENT 1: Finding Myself: My Values, Interests, and Skills
- This exercise separates the process of finding yourself into three parts: understanding your values, understanding your interests, and understanding your skills. Together, these elements create a holistic picture of who you are and can be extremely useful in career exploration or simply ensuring that you are living life in line with your truest self.
- PART 1: Understanding My Values - This worksheet allows you to document your top 5 values and how you are using/can better use them in your life. Resources are provided to find these values if you don't have a good sense of what your values are.
- PART 2: Understanding My Interests - This is a set of 9 journal prompts designed to help you uncover your interests/passions that you may or may not have already known about. These prompts will challenge you to think about your interests from different perspectives than you may be used to, which will allow you to see what interests you may have been hiding from the world or from yourself! After answering the 9 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top interests and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
- PART 3: Understanding My Skills - This is a set of 6 journal prompts designed to help you objectively name your biggest skills and strengths that contribute to who you are. Like the prompts to help you uncover your interests, these prompts will challenge you to critically think about your skills and different ways that they show up in your life. After answering the 6 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top skills and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
DOCUMENT 2: Documenting My Current Life
- Understanding the current state of your life sounds simple, right? You're just living it every day, so of course you understand it! Well, while you might KNOW what your life looks like, how often do you stop and consider why you are doing certain things or hanging out with certain people, for example? How often do you think about how these things in your life actually make you feel? And how often do you consider whether something actually belongs in your life, or if maybe there's a way you can remove it or adjust it? This easy-to-use, fillable worksheet is designed to help you become more intentional in understanding your current state. Table columns are as follows:
- WHAT: Used to document each thing, activity, person, etc. that makes up a big part of your life.
- WHY: Used to document the reasons that each thing/person is in your life - sometimes these may be practical reasons, and other times you may have trouble identifying a strong "why", either of which is completely fine.
- HOW: Used to describe how each thing/person in your life really makes you feel - all reasoning and rationale aside.
- NEXT STEPS: Knowing why each thing is in your life and how it makes you feel, you can now better determine what to do with it. For example, if something has a strong "why" and makes you feel great, keep it as is! If it has a strong "why" but maybe doesn't make you feel the best, perhaps there is a way you can adjust how it shows up in your life. If there is not a strong "why" and/or it makes you feel terrible, maybe you need to find a way to let it go altogether.
DOCUMENT 3: Defining My Ideal Life
What does your ideal life look like? In this exercise, you can put it into words! Understanding not only where you're at, but also where you want to go, can be great motivation to follow your dreams and will give you an anchor point to come back to when you're unsure of what to do next.
- PART 1: First, you'll reflect on your values, interests, and skills defined in document 1. Because these elements make up who you are as a person, it's helpful to start by thinking about how you want to incorporate these into your life - rather than jumping straight to grandiose, material desires for your ideal life.
- PART 2: After reflecting on how you want these elements to show up in your ideal life, you'll think about what parts of your current life you'd like to keep or expand in your ideal life. Often, when we think about our ideal life, our instinct is to focus on what we don't currently have and want to add. However, you might be surprised to find that there are things you already have that are ideal!
- PART 3: Finally, it's time to document those big dreams and goals that most people think of when brainstorming their ideal life. There is no limit here, but I encourage you to think about whether your dreams and goals align with the values, interests, and skills that you defined in part 1. If so, you know that you're on track to living a life that is true to who you really are! :)
DOCUMENT 4: Uncovering My Fears
So you know that you want to change your life to be true to yourself... But let's be real, the process of actually doing that can be hard. Lots of fears creep in and often keep us from making any change at all. This exercise is intended to help you understand what's really holding you back from making changes, as well as reflecting on how realistic those fears are. Sometimes, we have very practical reasons keeping us from making change, but other times, our fears are not based in reality at all, and the risk of making a change outweighs the risk of our fears coming to life. This exercise is split up as follows:
- PART 1: Things I Want to Remove from My Life - If there is a person, activity, place, etc. that you know is negatively contributing to your life, then understand what may be holding you back from letting go of this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 2: Things I Want to Adjust in My Life - If something is in your life for good reason but perhaps not making you feel the best or not living up to its full potential, then understand why you're scared to try and adjust this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 3: Things I Want to Add to My Life - If there is something you want to add to your life, then understand what's holding you back from going for it... And determine whether it's worth a try.
DOCUMENT 5: My Ideal Life Game Plan
So, you know who you are and what you want in your life, but how are you going to actually get to the life you've been dreaming about? That's where the Game Plan exercise comes in. This exercise was developed to help you get clear on HOW you are going to change your life, simply using a table! By now, you know that I like to separate our ideal life into 3 parts: things we want to remove from our current life, things we want to adjust in our current life, and things we want to add to our life. Therefore, this exercise includes three tables corresponding to these 3 categories. In each table, you can document...
- NAME: Put a name to your goals! This makes them real!
- STEPS TO ACHIEVE: This is where you start brainstorming tangible steps to make your goal a reality - this doesn't have to be complete, but the point is to get you thinking about how you can start taking action.
- PROGRESS METRICS: Even if you know how to achieve your goals, sometimes they just won't happen if you don't hold yourself accountable. This allows you to create deadlines and other metrics to measure yourself against.
Access Your Files
This download includes 5 PDFS corresponding to each of the steps listed above. Each document includes instructions. You can transfer the documents to a digital app like Notability, GoodNotes, OneNote, etc. or you can print them out to have physical copies. If you need more space to answer questions, you may also make copies of these documents.
These are digital files, no physical items will be shipped. An email will be sent to the address associated with your Etsy account with a link for your download.
You can also find your files at any time in your Etsy account. Go to "Your Purchases", scroll to this purchase and click the download link. You will need to be a computer or laptop to download the files – they can’t be downloaded on a phone or tablet.
Terms and Agreement
Your purchase licenses you (1 Individual) to use this template. The template and content within template CANNOT be resold or redistributed.
Refunds and Exchanges
Because digital items are available for download immediately after purchase, I am unable to offer refunds or exchanges. The files will be delivered electronically within minutes of your order and payment.
Thank you for your business! If you have any questions for me about this product, please feel free to contact me through Etsy or my email is
DOCUMENT 1: Finding Myself: My Values, Interests, and Skills
- This exercise separates the process of finding yourself into three parts: understanding your values, understanding your interests, and understanding your skills. Together, these elements create a holistic picture of who you are and can be extremely useful in career exploration or simply ensuring that you are living life in line with your truest self.
- PART 1: Understanding My Values - This worksheet allows you to document your top 5 values and how you are using/can better use them in your life. Resources are provided to find these values if you don't have a good sense of what your values are.
- PART 2: Understanding My Interests - This is a set of 9 journal prompts designed to help you uncover your interests/passions that you may or may not have already known about. These prompts will challenge you to think about your interests from different perspectives than you may be used to, which will allow you to see what interests you may have been hiding from the world or from yourself! After answering the 9 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top interests and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
- PART 3: Understanding My Skills - This is a set of 6 journal prompts designed to help you objectively name your biggest skills and strengths that contribute to who you are. Like the prompts to help you uncover your interests, these prompts will challenge you to critically think about your skills and different ways that they show up in your life. After answering the 6 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top skills and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
DOCUMENT 2: Documenting My Current Life
- Understanding the current state of your life sounds simple, right? You're just living it every day, so of course you understand it! Well, while you might KNOW what your life looks like, how often do you stop and consider why you are doing certain things or hanging out with certain people, for example? How often do you think about how these things in your life actually make you feel? And how often do you consider whether something actually belongs in your life, or if maybe there's a way you can remove it or adjust it? This easy-to-use, fillable worksheet is designed to help you become more intentional in understanding your current state. Table columns are as follows:
- WHAT: Used to document each thing, activity, person, etc. that makes up a big part of your life.
- WHY: Used to document the reasons that each thing/person is in your life - sometimes these may be practical reasons, and other times you may have trouble identifying a strong "why", either of which is completely fine.
- HOW: Used to describe how each thing/person in your life really makes you feel - all reasoning and rationale aside.
- NEXT STEPS: Knowing why each thing is in your life and how it makes you feel, you can now better determine what to do with it. For example, if something has a strong "why" and makes you feel great, keep it as is! If it has a strong "why" but maybe doesn't make you feel the best, perhaps there is a way you can adjust how it shows up in your life. If there is not a strong "why" and/or it makes you feel terrible, maybe you need to find a way to let it go altogether.
DOCUMENT 3: Defining My Ideal Life
What does your ideal life look like? In this exercise, you can put it into words! Understanding not only where you're at, but also where you want to go, can be great motivation to follow your dreams and will give you an anchor point to come back to when you're unsure of what to do next.
- PART 1: First, you'll reflect on your values, interests, and skills defined in document 1. Because these elements make up who you are as a person, it's helpful to start by thinking about how you want to incorporate these into your life - rather than jumping straight to grandiose, material desires for your ideal life.
- PART 2: After reflecting on how you want these elements to show up in your ideal life, you'll think about what parts of your current life you'd like to keep or expand in your ideal life. Often, when we think about our ideal life, our instinct is to focus on what we don't currently have and want to add. However, you might be surprised to find that there are things you already have that are ideal!
- PART 3: Finally, it's time to document those big dreams and goals that most people think of when brainstorming their ideal life. There is no limit here, but I encourage you to think about whether your dreams and goals align with the values, interests, and skills that you defined in part 1. If so, you know that you're on track to living a life that is true to who you really are! :)
DOCUMENT 4: Uncovering My Fears
So you know that you want to change your life to be true to yourself... But let's be real, the process of actually doing that can be hard. Lots of fears creep in and often keep us from making any change at all. This exercise is intended to help you understand what's really holding you back from making changes, as well as reflecting on how realistic those fears are. Sometimes, we have very practical reasons keeping us from making change, but other times, our fears are not based in reality at all, and the risk of making a change outweighs the risk of our fears coming to life. This exercise is split up as follows:
- PART 1: Things I Want to Remove from My Life - If there is a person, activity, place, etc. that you know is negatively contributing to your life, then understand what may be holding you back from letting go of this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 2: Things I Want to Adjust in My Life - If something is in your life for good reason but perhaps not making you feel the best or not living up to its full potential, then understand why you're scared to try and adjust this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 3: Things I Want to Add to My Life - If there is something you want to add to your life, then understand what's holding you back from going for it... And determine whether it's worth a try.
DOCUMENT 5: My Ideal Life Game Plan
So, you know who you are and what you want in your life, but how are you going to actually get to the life you've been dreaming about? That's where the Game Plan exercise comes in. This exercise was developed to help you get clear on HOW you are going to change your life, simply using a table! By now, you know that I like to separate our ideal life into 3 parts: things we want to remove from our current life, things we want to adjust in our current life, and things we want to add to our life. Therefore, this exercise includes three tables corresponding to these 3 categories. In each table, you can document...
- NAME: Put a name to your goals! This makes them real!
- STEPS TO ACHIEVE: This is where you start brainstorming tangible steps to make your goal a reality - this doesn't have to be complete, but the point is to get you thinking about how you can start taking action.
- PROGRESS METRICS: Even if you know how to achieve your goals, sometimes they just won't happen if you don't hold yourself accountable. This allows you to create deadlines and other metrics to measure yourself against.
Access Your Files
This download includes 5 PDFS corresponding to each of the steps listed above. Each document includes instructions. You can transfer the documents to a digital app like Notability, GoodNotes, OneNote, etc. or you can print them out to have physical copies. If you need more space to answer questions, you may also make copies of these documents.
These are digital files, no physical items will be shipped. An email will be sent to the address associated with your Etsy account with a link for your download.
You can also find your files at any time in your Etsy account. Go to "Your Purchases", scroll to this purchase and click the download link. You will need to be a computer or laptop to download the files – they can’t be downloaded on a phone or tablet.
Terms and Agreement
Your purchase licenses you (1 Individual) to use this template. The template and content within template CANNOT be resold or redistributed.
Refunds and Exchanges
Because digital items are available for download immediately after purchase, I am unable to offer refunds or exchanges. The files will be delivered electronically within minutes of your order and payment.
Thank you for your business! If you have any questions for me about this product, please feel free to contact me through Etsy or my email is
Do you want to find yourself and be yourself but are struggling to figure out HOW? Then look no further than the Self Discovery Guide - a package of five comprehensive documents designed to help ease the stress of figuring out who you really are and how to start living as that person every day. Each document builds on the last, resulting in a seamless, step-by-step process that is sure to leave you feeling more confident and prepared to take on the world as yourself!
DOCUMENT 1: Finding Myself: My Values, Interests, and Skills
- This exercise separates the process of finding yourself into three parts: understanding your values, understanding your interests, and understanding your skills. Together, these elements create a holistic picture of who you are and can be extremely useful in career exploration or simply ensuring that you are living life in line with your truest self.
- PART 1: Understanding My Values - This worksheet allows you to document your top 5 values and how you are using/can better use them in your life. Resources are provided to find these values if you don't have a good sense of what your values are.
- PART 2: Understanding My Interests - This is a set of 9 journal prompts designed to help you uncover your interests/passions that you may or may not have already known about. These prompts will challenge you to think about your interests from different perspectives than you may be used to, which will allow you to see what interests you may have been hiding from the world or from yourself! After answering the 9 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top interests and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
- PART 3: Understanding My Skills - This is a set of 6 journal prompts designed to help you objectively name your biggest skills and strengths that contribute to who you are. Like the prompts to help you uncover your interests, these prompts will challenge you to critically think about your skills and different ways that they show up in your life. After answering the 6 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top skills and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
DOCUMENT 2: Documenting My Current Life
- Understanding the current state of your life sounds simple, right? You're just living it every day, so of course you understand it! Well, while you might KNOW what your life looks like, how often do you stop and consider why you are doing certain things or hanging out with certain people, for example? How often do you think about how these things in your life actually make you feel? And how often do you consider whether something actually belongs in your life, or if maybe there's a way you can remove it or adjust it? This easy-to-use, fillable worksheet is designed to help you become more intentional in understanding your current state. Table columns are as follows:
- WHAT: Used to document each thing, activity, person, etc. that makes up a big part of your life.
- WHY: Used to document the reasons that each thing/person is in your life - sometimes these may be practical reasons, and other times you may have trouble identifying a strong "why", either of which is completely fine.
- HOW: Used to describe how each thing/person in your life really makes you feel - all reasoning and rationale aside.
- NEXT STEPS: Knowing why each thing is in your life and how it makes you feel, you can now better determine what to do with it. For example, if something has a strong "why" and makes you feel great, keep it as is! If it has a strong "why" but maybe doesn't make you feel the best, perhaps there is a way you can adjust how it shows up in your life. If there is not a strong "why" and/or it makes you feel terrible, maybe you need to find a way to let it go altogether.
DOCUMENT 3: Defining My Ideal Life
What does your ideal life look like? In this exercise, you can put it into words! Understanding not only where you're at, but also where you want to go, can be great motivation to follow your dreams and will give you an anchor point to come back to when you're unsure of what to do next.
- PART 1: First, you'll reflect on your values, interests, and skills defined in document 1. Because these elements make up who you are as a person, it's helpful to start by thinking about how you want to incorporate these into your life - rather than jumping straight to grandiose, material desires for your ideal life.
- PART 2: After reflecting on how you want these elements to show up in your ideal life, you'll think about what parts of your current life you'd like to keep or expand in your ideal life. Often, when we think about our ideal life, our instinct is to focus on what we don't currently have and want to add. However, you might be surprised to find that there are things you already have that are ideal!
- PART 3: Finally, it's time to document those big dreams and goals that most people think of when brainstorming their ideal life. There is no limit here, but I encourage you to think about whether your dreams and goals align with the values, interests, and skills that you defined in part 1. If so, you know that you're on track to living a life that is true to who you really are! :)
DOCUMENT 4: Uncovering My Fears
So you know that you want to change your life to be true to yourself... But let's be real, the process of actually doing that can be hard. Lots of fears creep in and often keep us from making any change at all. This exercise is intended to help you understand what's really holding you back from making changes, as well as reflecting on how realistic those fears are. Sometimes, we have very practical reasons keeping us from making change, but other times, our fears are not based in reality at all, and the risk of making a change outweighs the risk of our fears coming to life. This exercise is split up as follows:
- PART 1: Things I Want to Remove from My Life - If there is a person, activity, place, etc. that you know is negatively contributing to your life, then understand what may be holding you back from letting go of this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 2: Things I Want to Adjust in My Life - If something is in your life for good reason but perhaps not making you feel the best or not living up to its full potential, then understand why you're scared to try and adjust this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 3: Things I Want to Add to My Life - If there is something you want to add to your life, then understand what's holding you back from going for it... And determine whether it's worth a try.
DOCUMENT 5: My Ideal Life Game Plan
So, you know who you are and what you want in your life, but how are you going to actually get to the life you've been dreaming about? That's where the Game Plan exercise comes in. This exercise was developed to help you get clear on HOW you are going to change your life, simply using a table! By now, you know that I like to separate our ideal life into 3 parts: things we want to remove from our current life, things we want to adjust in our current life, and things we want to add to our life. Therefore, this exercise includes three tables corresponding to these 3 categories. In each table, you can document...
- NAME: Put a name to your goals! This makes them real!
- STEPS TO ACHIEVE: This is where you start brainstorming tangible steps to make your goal a reality - this doesn't have to be complete, but the point is to get you thinking about how you can start taking action.
- PROGRESS METRICS: Even if you know how to achieve your goals, sometimes they just won't happen if you don't hold yourself accountable. This allows you to create deadlines and other metrics to measure yourself against.
Access Your Files
This download includes 5 PDFS corresponding to each of the steps listed above. Each document includes instructions. You can transfer the documents to a digital app like Notability, GoodNotes, OneNote, etc. or you can print them out to have physical copies. If you need more space to answer questions, you may also make copies of these documents.
These are digital files, no physical items will be shipped. An email will be sent to the address associated with your Etsy account with a link for your download.
You can also find your files at any time in your Etsy account. Go to "Your Purchases", scroll to this purchase and click the download link. You will need to be a computer or laptop to download the files – they can’t be downloaded on a phone or tablet.
Terms and Agreement
Your purchase licenses you (1 Individual) to use this template. The template and content within template CANNOT be resold or redistributed.
Refunds and Exchanges
Because digital items are available for download immediately after purchase, I am unable to offer refunds or exchanges. The files will be delivered electronically within minutes of your order and payment.
Thank you for your business! If you have any questions for me about this product, please feel free to contact me through Etsy or my email is
DOCUMENT 1: Finding Myself: My Values, Interests, and Skills
- This exercise separates the process of finding yourself into three parts: understanding your values, understanding your interests, and understanding your skills. Together, these elements create a holistic picture of who you are and can be extremely useful in career exploration or simply ensuring that you are living life in line with your truest self.
- PART 1: Understanding My Values - This worksheet allows you to document your top 5 values and how you are using/can better use them in your life. Resources are provided to find these values if you don't have a good sense of what your values are.
- PART 2: Understanding My Interests - This is a set of 9 journal prompts designed to help you uncover your interests/passions that you may or may not have already known about. These prompts will challenge you to think about your interests from different perspectives than you may be used to, which will allow you to see what interests you may have been hiding from the world or from yourself! After answering the 9 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top interests and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
- PART 3: Understanding My Skills - This is a set of 6 journal prompts designed to help you objectively name your biggest skills and strengths that contribute to who you are. Like the prompts to help you uncover your interests, these prompts will challenge you to critically think about your skills and different ways that they show up in your life. After answering the 6 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top skills and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
DOCUMENT 2: Documenting My Current Life
- Understanding the current state of your life sounds simple, right? You're just living it every day, so of course you understand it! Well, while you might KNOW what your life looks like, how often do you stop and consider why you are doing certain things or hanging out with certain people, for example? How often do you think about how these things in your life actually make you feel? And how often do you consider whether something actually belongs in your life, or if maybe there's a way you can remove it or adjust it? This easy-to-use, fillable worksheet is designed to help you become more intentional in understanding your current state. Table columns are as follows:
- WHAT: Used to document each thing, activity, person, etc. that makes up a big part of your life.
- WHY: Used to document the reasons that each thing/person is in your life - sometimes these may be practical reasons, and other times you may have trouble identifying a strong "why", either of which is completely fine.
- HOW: Used to describe how each thing/person in your life really makes you feel - all reasoning and rationale aside.
- NEXT STEPS: Knowing why each thing is in your life and how it makes you feel, you can now better determine what to do with it. For example, if something has a strong "why" and makes you feel great, keep it as is! If it has a strong "why" but maybe doesn't make you feel the best, perhaps there is a way you can adjust how it shows up in your life. If there is not a strong "why" and/or it makes you feel terrible, maybe you need to find a way to let it go altogether.
DOCUMENT 3: Defining My Ideal Life
What does your ideal life look like? In this exercise, you can put it into words! Understanding not only where you're at, but also where you want to go, can be great motivation to follow your dreams and will give you an anchor point to come back to when you're unsure of what to do next.
- PART 1: First, you'll reflect on your values, interests, and skills defined in document 1. Because these elements make up who you are as a person, it's helpful to start by thinking about how you want to incorporate these into your life - rather than jumping straight to grandiose, material desires for your ideal life.
- PART 2: After reflecting on how you want these elements to show up in your ideal life, you'll think about what parts of your current life you'd like to keep or expand in your ideal life. Often, when we think about our ideal life, our instinct is to focus on what we don't currently have and want to add. However, you might be surprised to find that there are things you already have that are ideal!
- PART 3: Finally, it's time to document those big dreams and goals that most people think of when brainstorming their ideal life. There is no limit here, but I encourage you to think about whether your dreams and goals align with the values, interests, and skills that you defined in part 1. If so, you know that you're on track to living a life that is true to who you really are! :)
DOCUMENT 4: Uncovering My Fears
So you know that you want to change your life to be true to yourself... But let's be real, the process of actually doing that can be hard. Lots of fears creep in and often keep us from making any change at all. This exercise is intended to help you understand what's really holding you back from making changes, as well as reflecting on how realistic those fears are. Sometimes, we have very practical reasons keeping us from making change, but other times, our fears are not based in reality at all, and the risk of making a change outweighs the risk of our fears coming to life. This exercise is split up as follows:
- PART 1: Things I Want to Remove from My Life - If there is a person, activity, place, etc. that you know is negatively contributing to your life, then understand what may be holding you back from letting go of this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 2: Things I Want to Adjust in My Life - If something is in your life for good reason but perhaps not making you feel the best or not living up to its full potential, then understand why you're scared to try and adjust this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 3: Things I Want to Add to My Life - If there is something you want to add to your life, then understand what's holding you back from going for it... And determine whether it's worth a try.
DOCUMENT 5: My Ideal Life Game Plan
So, you know who you are and what you want in your life, but how are you going to actually get to the life you've been dreaming about? That's where the Game Plan exercise comes in. This exercise was developed to help you get clear on HOW you are going to change your life, simply using a table! By now, you know that I like to separate our ideal life into 3 parts: things we want to remove from our current life, things we want to adjust in our current life, and things we want to add to our life. Therefore, this exercise includes three tables corresponding to these 3 categories. In each table, you can document...
- NAME: Put a name to your goals! This makes them real!
- STEPS TO ACHIEVE: This is where you start brainstorming tangible steps to make your goal a reality - this doesn't have to be complete, but the point is to get you thinking about how you can start taking action.
- PROGRESS METRICS: Even if you know how to achieve your goals, sometimes they just won't happen if you don't hold yourself accountable. This allows you to create deadlines and other metrics to measure yourself against.
Access Your Files
This download includes 5 PDFS corresponding to each of the steps listed above. Each document includes instructions. You can transfer the documents to a digital app like Notability, GoodNotes, OneNote, etc. or you can print them out to have physical copies. If you need more space to answer questions, you may also make copies of these documents.
These are digital files, no physical items will be shipped. An email will be sent to the address associated with your Etsy account with a link for your download.
You can also find your files at any time in your Etsy account. Go to "Your Purchases", scroll to this purchase and click the download link. You will need to be a computer or laptop to download the files – they can’t be downloaded on a phone or tablet.
Terms and Agreement
Your purchase licenses you (1 Individual) to use this template. The template and content within template CANNOT be resold or redistributed.
Refunds and Exchanges
Because digital items are available for download immediately after purchase, I am unable to offer refunds or exchanges. The files will be delivered electronically within minutes of your order and payment.
Thank you for your business! If you have any questions for me about this product, please feel free to contact me through Etsy or my email is
Do you want to find yourself and be yourself but are struggling to figure out HOW? Then look no further than the Self Discovery Guide - a package of five comprehensive documents designed to help ease the stress of figuring out who you really are and how to start living as that person every day. Each document builds on the last, resulting in a seamless, step-by-step process that is sure to leave you feeling more confident and prepared to take on the world as yourself!
DOCUMENT 1: Finding Myself: My Values, Interests, and Skills
- This exercise separates the process of finding yourself into three parts: understanding your values, understanding your interests, and understanding your skills. Together, these elements create a holistic picture of who you are and can be extremely useful in career exploration or simply ensuring that you are living life in line with your truest self.
- PART 1: Understanding My Values - This worksheet allows you to document your top 5 values and how you are using/can better use them in your life. Resources are provided to find these values if you don't have a good sense of what your values are.
- PART 2: Understanding My Interests - This is a set of 9 journal prompts designed to help you uncover your interests/passions that you may or may not have already known about. These prompts will challenge you to think about your interests from different perspectives than you may be used to, which will allow you to see what interests you may have been hiding from the world or from yourself! After answering the 9 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top interests and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
- PART 3: Understanding My Skills - This is a set of 6 journal prompts designed to help you objectively name your biggest skills and strengths that contribute to who you are. Like the prompts to help you uncover your interests, these prompts will challenge you to critically think about your skills and different ways that they show up in your life. After answering the 6 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top skills and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
DOCUMENT 2: Documenting My Current Life
- Understanding the current state of your life sounds simple, right? You're just living it every day, so of course you understand it! Well, while you might KNOW what your life looks like, how often do you stop and consider why you are doing certain things or hanging out with certain people, for example? How often do you think about how these things in your life actually make you feel? And how often do you consider whether something actually belongs in your life, or if maybe there's a way you can remove it or adjust it? This easy-to-use, fillable worksheet is designed to help you become more intentional in understanding your current state. Table columns are as follows:
- WHAT: Used to document each thing, activity, person, etc. that makes up a big part of your life.
- WHY: Used to document the reasons that each thing/person is in your life - sometimes these may be practical reasons, and other times you may have trouble identifying a strong "why", either of which is completely fine.
- HOW: Used to describe how each thing/person in your life really makes you feel - all reasoning and rationale aside.
- NEXT STEPS: Knowing why each thing is in your life and how it makes you feel, you can now better determine what to do with it. For example, if something has a strong "why" and makes you feel great, keep it as is! If it has a strong "why" but maybe doesn't make you feel the best, perhaps there is a way you can adjust how it shows up in your life. If there is not a strong "why" and/or it makes you feel terrible, maybe you need to find a way to let it go altogether.
DOCUMENT 3: Defining My Ideal Life
What does your ideal life look like? In this exercise, you can put it into words! Understanding not only where you're at, but also where you want to go, can be great motivation to follow your dreams and will give you an anchor point to come back to when you're unsure of what to do next.
- PART 1: First, you'll reflect on your values, interests, and skills defined in document 1. Because these elements make up who you are as a person, it's helpful to start by thinking about how you want to incorporate these into your life - rather than jumping straight to grandiose, material desires for your ideal life.
- PART 2: After reflecting on how you want these elements to show up in your ideal life, you'll think about what parts of your current life you'd like to keep or expand in your ideal life. Often, when we think about our ideal life, our instinct is to focus on what we don't currently have and want to add. However, you might be surprised to find that there are things you already have that are ideal!
- PART 3: Finally, it's time to document those big dreams and goals that most people think of when brainstorming their ideal life. There is no limit here, but I encourage you to think about whether your dreams and goals align with the values, interests, and skills that you defined in part 1. If so, you know that you're on track to living a life that is true to who you really are! :)
DOCUMENT 4: Uncovering My Fears
So you know that you want to change your life to be true to yourself... But let's be real, the process of actually doing that can be hard. Lots of fears creep in and often keep us from making any change at all. This exercise is intended to help you understand what's really holding you back from making changes, as well as reflecting on how realistic those fears are. Sometimes, we have very practical reasons keeping us from making change, but other times, our fears are not based in reality at all, and the risk of making a change outweighs the risk of our fears coming to life. This exercise is split up as follows:
- PART 1: Things I Want to Remove from My Life - If there is a person, activity, place, etc. that you know is negatively contributing to your life, then understand what may be holding you back from letting go of this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 2: Things I Want to Adjust in My Life - If something is in your life for good reason but perhaps not making you feel the best or not living up to its full potential, then understand why you're scared to try and adjust this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 3: Things I Want to Add to My Life - If there is something you want to add to your life, then understand what's holding you back from going for it... And determine whether it's worth a try.
DOCUMENT 5: My Ideal Life Game Plan
So, you know who you are and what you want in your life, but how are you going to actually get to the life you've been dreaming about? That's where the Game Plan exercise comes in. This exercise was developed to help you get clear on HOW you are going to change your life, simply using a table! By now, you know that I like to separate our ideal life into 3 parts: things we want to remove from our current life, things we want to adjust in our current life, and things we want to add to our life. Therefore, this exercise includes three tables corresponding to these 3 categories. In each table, you can document...
- NAME: Put a name to your goals! This makes them real!
- STEPS TO ACHIEVE: This is where you start brainstorming tangible steps to make your goal a reality - this doesn't have to be complete, but the point is to get you thinking about how you can start taking action.
- PROGRESS METRICS: Even if you know how to achieve your goals, sometimes they just won't happen if you don't hold yourself accountable. This allows you to create deadlines and other metrics to measure yourself against.
Access Your Files
This download includes 5 PDFS corresponding to each of the steps listed above. Each document includes instructions. You can transfer the documents to a digital app like Notability, GoodNotes, OneNote, etc. or you can print them out to have physical copies. If you need more space to answer questions, you may also make copies of these documents.
These are digital files, no physical items will be shipped. An email will be sent to the address associated with your Etsy account with a link for your download.
You can also find your files at any time in your Etsy account. Go to "Your Purchases", scroll to this purchase and click the download link. You will need to be a computer or laptop to download the files – they can’t be downloaded on a phone or tablet.
Terms and Agreement
Your purchase licenses you (1 Individual) to use this template. The template and content within template CANNOT be resold or redistributed.
Refunds and Exchanges
Because digital items are available for download immediately after purchase, I am unable to offer refunds or exchanges. The files will be delivered electronically within minutes of your order and payment.
Thank you for your business! If you have any questions for me about this product, please feel free to contact me through Etsy or my email is
DOCUMENT 1: Finding Myself: My Values, Interests, and Skills
- This exercise separates the process of finding yourself into three parts: understanding your values, understanding your interests, and understanding your skills. Together, these elements create a holistic picture of who you are and can be extremely useful in career exploration or simply ensuring that you are living life in line with your truest self.
- PART 1: Understanding My Values - This worksheet allows you to document your top 5 values and how you are using/can better use them in your life. Resources are provided to find these values if you don't have a good sense of what your values are.
- PART 2: Understanding My Interests - This is a set of 9 journal prompts designed to help you uncover your interests/passions that you may or may not have already known about. These prompts will challenge you to think about your interests from different perspectives than you may be used to, which will allow you to see what interests you may have been hiding from the world or from yourself! After answering the 9 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top interests and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
- PART 3: Understanding My Skills - This is a set of 6 journal prompts designed to help you objectively name your biggest skills and strengths that contribute to who you are. Like the prompts to help you uncover your interests, these prompts will challenge you to critically think about your skills and different ways that they show up in your life. After answering the 6 prompts, a worksheet will allow you to reflect on your top skills and how you are incorporating/can better incorporate them into your life.
DOCUMENT 2: Documenting My Current Life
- Understanding the current state of your life sounds simple, right? You're just living it every day, so of course you understand it! Well, while you might KNOW what your life looks like, how often do you stop and consider why you are doing certain things or hanging out with certain people, for example? How often do you think about how these things in your life actually make you feel? And how often do you consider whether something actually belongs in your life, or if maybe there's a way you can remove it or adjust it? This easy-to-use, fillable worksheet is designed to help you become more intentional in understanding your current state. Table columns are as follows:
- WHAT: Used to document each thing, activity, person, etc. that makes up a big part of your life.
- WHY: Used to document the reasons that each thing/person is in your life - sometimes these may be practical reasons, and other times you may have trouble identifying a strong "why", either of which is completely fine.
- HOW: Used to describe how each thing/person in your life really makes you feel - all reasoning and rationale aside.
- NEXT STEPS: Knowing why each thing is in your life and how it makes you feel, you can now better determine what to do with it. For example, if something has a strong "why" and makes you feel great, keep it as is! If it has a strong "why" but maybe doesn't make you feel the best, perhaps there is a way you can adjust how it shows up in your life. If there is not a strong "why" and/or it makes you feel terrible, maybe you need to find a way to let it go altogether.
DOCUMENT 3: Defining My Ideal Life
What does your ideal life look like? In this exercise, you can put it into words! Understanding not only where you're at, but also where you want to go, can be great motivation to follow your dreams and will give you an anchor point to come back to when you're unsure of what to do next.
- PART 1: First, you'll reflect on your values, interests, and skills defined in document 1. Because these elements make up who you are as a person, it's helpful to start by thinking about how you want to incorporate these into your life - rather than jumping straight to grandiose, material desires for your ideal life.
- PART 2: After reflecting on how you want these elements to show up in your ideal life, you'll think about what parts of your current life you'd like to keep or expand in your ideal life. Often, when we think about our ideal life, our instinct is to focus on what we don't currently have and want to add. However, you might be surprised to find that there are things you already have that are ideal!
- PART 3: Finally, it's time to document those big dreams and goals that most people think of when brainstorming their ideal life. There is no limit here, but I encourage you to think about whether your dreams and goals align with the values, interests, and skills that you defined in part 1. If so, you know that you're on track to living a life that is true to who you really are! :)
DOCUMENT 4: Uncovering My Fears
So you know that you want to change your life to be true to yourself... But let's be real, the process of actually doing that can be hard. Lots of fears creep in and often keep us from making any change at all. This exercise is intended to help you understand what's really holding you back from making changes, as well as reflecting on how realistic those fears are. Sometimes, we have very practical reasons keeping us from making change, but other times, our fears are not based in reality at all, and the risk of making a change outweighs the risk of our fears coming to life. This exercise is split up as follows:
- PART 1: Things I Want to Remove from My Life - If there is a person, activity, place, etc. that you know is negatively contributing to your life, then understand what may be holding you back from letting go of this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 2: Things I Want to Adjust in My Life - If something is in your life for good reason but perhaps not making you feel the best or not living up to its full potential, then understand why you're scared to try and adjust this... And determine whether it's worth a try.
- PART 3: Things I Want to Add to My Life - If there is something you want to add to your life, then understand what's holding you back from going for it... And determine whether it's worth a try.
DOCUMENT 5: My Ideal Life Game Plan
So, you know who you are and what you want in your life, but how are you going to actually get to the life you've been dreaming about? That's where the Game Plan exercise comes in. This exercise was developed to help you get clear on HOW you are going to change your life, simply using a table! By now, you know that I like to separate our ideal life into 3 parts: things we want to remove from our current life, things we want to adjust in our current life, and things we want to add to our life. Therefore, this exercise includes three tables corresponding to these 3 categories. In each table, you can document...
- NAME: Put a name to your goals! This makes them real!
- STEPS TO ACHIEVE: This is where you start brainstorming tangible steps to make your goal a reality - this doesn't have to be complete, but the point is to get you thinking about how you can start taking action.
- PROGRESS METRICS: Even if you know how to achieve your goals, sometimes they just won't happen if you don't hold yourself accountable. This allows you to create deadlines and other metrics to measure yourself against.
Access Your Files
This download includes 5 PDFS corresponding to each of the steps listed above. Each document includes instructions. You can transfer the documents to a digital app like Notability, GoodNotes, OneNote, etc. or you can print them out to have physical copies. If you need more space to answer questions, you may also make copies of these documents.
These are digital files, no physical items will be shipped. An email will be sent to the address associated with your Etsy account with a link for your download.
You can also find your files at any time in your Etsy account. Go to "Your Purchases", scroll to this purchase and click the download link. You will need to be a computer or laptop to download the files – they can’t be downloaded on a phone or tablet.
Terms and Agreement
Your purchase licenses you (1 Individual) to use this template. The template and content within template CANNOT be resold or redistributed.
Refunds and Exchanges
Because digital items are available for download immediately after purchase, I am unable to offer refunds or exchanges. The files will be delivered electronically within minutes of your order and payment.
Thank you for your business! If you have any questions for me about this product, please feel free to contact me through Etsy or my email is